Strongfield Blog

How Drones Are Helping The Forestry Industry

Written by Chad Hason | Jul 21, 2022 9:47:11 PM


One of the powerhouses of our nation’s finances and revenue is the forestry industry, not to mention forestry contributing immensely to the health and beauty of our environment and the natural ecosystem and wildlife that rely on its vibrance. 


Properly defined, ‘forestry’ encompasses the creation, management, planting, conservation, and use of forest trees and related resources, such as wood. It is a massive industry that involves elaborate processes, strategies, and innovation. 

Every year, millions of dollars are pumped into the forestry industry. And reports on the Canadian forestry sector identify forestry as a source of wealth to several Canadians. In 2013, the Canadian gross domestic profit (GDP) accrued about $19.8 billion from the forestry industry. 

This number has experienced positive spikes in more recent years. 

Based on its importance, its no wonder it’s an industry that is ever-evolving in search of innovative ways to get more out of its operations. 


Areas the Forestry Industry Needs Help

Undoubtedly, the forestry industry has contributed massively to society. From the provision of woods to servicing newsprint and paper mills down to the habitat for wildlife, the forestry industry has been an essential and effective resource for many. 

However, for all its success and growth, a few nagging challenges remain unaddressed:

Forest Pests and Diseases

It’s pretty challenging to build a sustainable forest. With the changes in environmental conditions and the on and off breeding season of pests and parasites, forest trees tend to be victims of the attack. Widespread disease and pest attack have become a common occurrence in forests; negatively affecting tree health and, in turn, wood supply and its derivatives.


Forests are often huge, and include areas with a thick density that will likely accommodate dangerous animals and organisms. The traditional means of operation requires human laborers to work in those dangerous zones, despite questionable safety and recurring accidents from equipment malfunctions and human error. 


Forests may have a few nice paths for hikes, but they are typically filled with a variety of hard-to-reach zones. Efficient forest management requires the ability to care for and protect all areas of the forest. 

Unfortunately the traditional methods require human access to these zones which is quite challenging. As a result the less needy areas of the forest often receive the lion’s share of the attention.  

Drone Technology: A Worthy Solution 

Simply put: drone solutions help eliminate these issues.

Drone and Forest Pest/Disease

First, drones can help get first-class data on tree or plant health in the forest. Drones have sensors and tools that will capture models of plants that are affected by pests and disease. 

Equipped with comprehensive location data, drones can help with the spraying of herbicides, pesticides or other chemicals needed for both proactive and reactive plant health.

Drones and Forest Safety

Drones can help locate danger zones of the forest, identifying and tracking the existing wildlife. Also, aerial drone solutions will reduce human contact and presence in danger zones since the drone can be controlled from a safely removed remote station.

Drones and Accessibility

There is no limit to where drones can reach in the forest. Since they are small, portable and majorly operate aerially, drones can carry out several functions in the outer and deepest parts of the forest.

In all that aerial drone solution offers, they make the overall forest management fast, easy, and cost-effective.

Contact us today to learn how forest management can be safe, economical, and contribute to pest and disease management. At Strongfield Environmental Solutions we know how to create your ideal solution for any job.